Hello friends, today we learn about gray code and bcd code in it, so let's start ASCII CODE AND EBCDIC CODE ASCII CODE-: ASCII stands for “ American standard code for information interchanges “ , It has become a world standard alphanumeric code for micro-computer. It is a 7-bit code and it can represent maximum 2 7 =128 different characters. These character represent 26 uppercase letter (A-Z), 26 lowercase letter (a-z), 10 digit(0-9), 33 special symbol character and 33 control characters. The 7 bit of this code are divided into two parts. First 3 bit of left are called zone bits and next four bits of right side are called numeric bits. ASCII CODE AND EBCDIC CODE An 8 bits version of ASCII code is also available , which is know as USACC-II or ASCII-8. They can represent maximum of 256 characters. Learn Gray code and BCD code, click here Learn characteristic and limitation of computer, click here Learn what is hardware and so...
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