Third generation of computerm | characteristic and features of third generation of computers

Third generation of computer

Third generation of computerm | characteristic and features of third generation of computers
Third generation of computerm | characteristic and features of third generation of computers

Third generation of computer(1965-1974)-:Third generation of computers witnessed major advantages and changes I  hardware and software capacities. The major technological features of computers of this generation are-:

(i) Use of integrated circuits-: Transistors were replaced by integrated circuits. IC’s decreased the size, cost and power consumption to a great extent.

(ii) Input/ Output media-: For input and output operation monitors and keyboards were introduced.

(iii) Use of magnetic disk-: For secondary storage magnetic disk was used which was larger in capacity and faster. For internal memory, a magnetic core was used.

(iv) Use of operating system-: Sophisticated operating system, capable of handling several jobs concurrently were used.

(v) Evolution of easy high-level language-: New high-level language like BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL were developed that allowed programs written for one computer to be easily ported to and executed on another computer.

(vi) Speed-: There was great importance in the processing speed of these computers. There can execute on another computer.

(vii) Cost-: Cost was lower than the second generation.

(viii) Reliability-: These computers were more reliable and less prone to hardware failure than second-generation computers. The maintenance cost was also lower.

(ix) Rise of mini computers-: the minicomputer of third-generation made computers affordable even by smaller companies.

Example-: Major computers of these generations include, IBM307 series, PDP II, CDC700 series, CYBER-175, STAR-100.


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